"I've never had this type of consistency--coupling nutrition and fitness together. CrossFit has shown me the positive effects that it can have on everything."
Hometown: Chadds Ford, PA
Age: 24
When did you first start training at CFKSQ? September, 2020
Favorite WOD: I don’t have a favorite WOD, but I love squat cleans, deadlifts, HSPUs, Thrusters, and Burpees so anything with those in them.
Least Favorite WOD: Anything with snatches or running.
Tell us about your sports & fitness background:
I always loved playing sports and tried pretty much every one of them when I was growing up. I was even on a trampoline team with my sister at one point. I was also always very active growing up. Fitness and sports have been a big part of my life and that ultimately brought me to Millersville University where I was a first-team All-American Field Hockey player for four years. Outside of CrossFit, I road bike and ski with my family. I also competed in triathlons and completed a half Iron Man with my mom and sister.
How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? Take us back to your first WOD…what was it, and how did it feel?
My fiancée, who no one at the gym knows, always talked to me about it. We had been stuck at the house doing personal bootcamps during Covid. We drove by CFKSQ one day and decided to look it up and see what it had to offer. I don’t remember our first WOD, but I was definitely nervous joining class. After that first class I knew this was something I would enjoy and want to get better at every day.
What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CF (before/after)?
Improvement. I still don’t love everything about my body or where I am at with certain movements, but I know that’s normal. Every time I go into the gym I just want to get better. Working with Jared for nutrition really helped me understand how my nutrition impacts my training. It really helped me prepare for my half Iron Man, but it also helped me stay toned and create realistic, attainable goals. I’ve never had this type of consistency–coupling nutrition and fitness together. CrossFit has shown me the positive effects that it can have on everything.
What sort of changes in your life have you experienced out of taking on something like CrossFit that were totally unexpected?
I never saw myself competing in CrossFit, but the Suns Out Guns Out, The Open, and Barbell Brawl really opened my eyes to the unexpected competition part. As a former athlete, I am super competitive, and this has helped motivate me in the gym. Participating in Rumble at the Rudder, Fight for Freedom, and Fight for the Fittest are all CrossFit competitions I never expected to compete in, but loved every bit of them, especially training for them.
Please share with us any favorite CrossFit / CFKSQ moments:
When I got my one, and only, bar muscle up – work in progress but more to come.
Any advice for people just getting started?
The people around you at the gym who make it look easy, have put so much time and effort into it. It absolutely is a process, and one that you need to be consistent with, but it is worth every minute in the end.
What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit?
I love spending time with my nieces, and my dog Bella. Road biking is always a fun hobby to do with my family. I also love Buckleys.
Career: Occupational Therapy Student
Years at CrossFit Kennett Square: 2
Get in touch to book a free consultation today!
529 Rosedale Rd, Kennett Square, PA 19348, United States of America