Favorite WOD: I can’t name a specific workout, but I like jumping rope, rowing, shuttle runs, and doing bench presses.
My Least Favorite WOD: Any workout involving wall balls!
Tell us about your sports/fitness background: I don't really have one. I’ve dabbled with different workouts, taken yoga classes, and played a little tennis, but CrossFit is the only fitness regimen I have remained committed to.
How was I exposed to Cross Fit? Take us back to your first WOD and how you were feeling. I have my family to thank for exposing me to CF. My husband, Thom, has been a Crossfitter for years and has always raved about his experience, the coaching, the people, and how great he feels. This led my kids to start going, and I continue to admire each of them for their drive, athleticism, and positive outlook. I was the last Chio to join because I was convinced I could not do it. Thanks to their persistent nudging and cheering me on, I tried it.
Rather than my first WOD, my strongest memory comes from my first few CF fundamental classes with Margie. There were emotional moments that bubbled up for me because of everything I couldn’t do. I felt defeated. Margie got me through those moments and never judged. I have some mobility issues, I was not strong, and when I looked around the room, it was tough to imagine being able to “hang” with the athletes and get through a class. Now I laugh and think, “What the heck was I worrying about?!?”
Regarding WODs, I remember everyone being so friendly when I started taking the classes. Everett and the CFKSQ team have created a wonderful culture and community. I especially want to shout out to the 5 AM and 6:15 AM-ers who are always inspiring, teaching, and helping; there is no better way to start your day! Our coaches are THE BEST, and I am thankful that they care a lot, make me laugh, and are always happy to see me.
What changes have you seen in your body, health, and fitness since you started CF? I feel great, have more energy, more confidence, and feel stronger.
What sort of changes in your life have you experienced from taking on something like CrossFit that were totally unexpected? I have a better mindset: Stop doubting yourself and get OUT of your head. I am more confident, willing to step outside my box and take a risk, and believe there is not much I can’t do (or at least try!) As I write this, I hear our daughters’ lingo in my head: “Slay, queen.” “Hey, baddie.” “Fire.” –That’s me; I’ve got this :).
Favorite CrossFit Moments: So far (because I know there will be more), they are: Walking into the 5 AM class for the first time (a big step for me), graduating from the “baby” box to the middle height box for box jumps, and successfully doing strong kip swings. In 2023, I did the Sun's Out, Guns Out competition (party division) with my son, Thommie, and Murph with my family the first spring I was a CF member. I also love watching our advanced athletes on the rings, bars, and ropes when they do strict pull-ups, bar muscle-ups, scale the ropes quickly, etc.; they are truly inspiring, amazing displays of strength and agility.
Advice for people just getting started: Let go of your fear, laugh, and know we are all cheering you on. We want to see you back in class!
Talents, hobbies, interests, etc: I love planning and hosting events for family and friends. I am fascinated by how things work and like tinkering to try and fix things. Believe it or not, I am handy and mechanically inclined. I like racquet sports (tennis and pickleball) and playing Mahjong; I need to carve out more time for them in 2025. My favorite pastime is watching my kids (Thommie, Jimmy, Vivian & Catherine - aka "Kitcat") do whatever they love to do—most of the time, it’s sports.
Final thoughts: I’m honored to be CFKSQ's January Athlete of the Month; thank you!
Director, Constituent Relations & Publications - Salesianum School / January 2023
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