"I feel like I'm somebody when I'm in the box."
Hometown: San Francisco, California
Age: 40
When did you first start training at CFKSQ?
April, 2021 Favorite WOD: Murphy (never forget your first rip) Least Favorite WOD: Anything that will hinder my twerking form
Tell us about your sports & fitness background:
I enjoyed playing basketball when I was a young buck, then later enjoyed small boutique gyms (ie Orange Theory Fitness, F45, etc). I needed something to challenge me further so I joined CFKSQ and professional speed walking.
How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? Take us back to your first WOD… what was it, and how did it feel?
I was interested in joining CFKSQ and Everett invited me to visit the box. I was totally sold when Everett greeted me with a high energy greet, intense high-five and chest bump. We had a bro moment and the rest is history.
What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CF (before/after)?
Before, I came to the box looking like a pubescent young boy. Now, I look like a pubescent young boy with slightly bigger muscles.
What sort of changes in your life have you experienced out of taking on something like CrossFit that were totally unexpected?
I feel handsome when I’m in the box. I feel like I’m somebody. (Slightly tweaked from what basketball movie?). I truly have enjoyed how athletes and WODs have challenged me during my workouts and always have fun in the box. CrossFit allows me to enjoy my ice cream every day and I’m truly grateful for this.
Please share with us any favorite CrossFit / CFKSQ moments:
I enjoy how friendly everyone was when I joined the box and everyone’s openness to help with movements I had difficulty executing. Thank you to all who have helped me over the years (you know who you are and I am truly grateful).
Any advice for people just getting started?
Take one WOD at a time. In the book, Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell, he mentions the 10,000-hour rule that states it takes 10,000 hours of practice to gain expertise in performance-based fields. It took me years to perfect my terrible singing and butchering lyrics of my favorite songs. If you put as much time in your CrossFit goals as I did with my terrible singing, then you reach your goals and be very happy with your results.
What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit?
Prior to the pandemic, I enjoyed giving back to the world and do my best to leave this world a better place. This includes The Emiliani Project in Medellin, Colombia to volunteer at orphanages, Best Day Foundation in San Diego, California helping children and young adults with special needs have fun beach days, and Verge Inclusive Athletics in the outer Boston, Massachusetts supporting youth and young adults with and without challenges. I love spending time with my three kiddos and wife, traveling, and watching my boys perfect their armpit farts.
Career: ERP Administrator
Years at CrossFit Kennett Square: 2
Get in touch to book a free consultation today!
529 Rosedale Rd, Kennett Square, PA 19348, United States of America