Favorite WOD:
30 Minutes in Heaven (or something similar) - I love a good cardio and bodyweight workout.
Least Favorite WOD:
If there is a WOD with both barbell snatches and the bike, then definitely that one lol.
Tell us about your sports & fitness background:
My fitness journey has been quite the exploration, starting with dance in my early years and continuing through high school. As a teenager, I tried a couple of sports but didn’t last in any of them long because I wasn’t good and didn’t enjoy them. Seriously, I was the girl who did yoga on the sidelines during gym class when everyone else was playing floor hockey. I’ve always gravitated more towards individual, bodyweight workouts like yoga and pilates for their mix of strength and challenge. What I love most about them is how they blend physical exertion with a sort of mental calmness. It's not just about the workout; it's also about finding moments of peace and reflection amid movement.
How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? Take us back to your first WOD... what was it, and how did it feel?
Well, my amazing mother-in-law, Kathy, has been doing CrossFit at CFKSQ for many years, so that’s how I first heard about it. In 2019 though, I saw a CrossFit documentary and was completely blown away by the sport and the Games athletes. I mentioned it to a colleague of mine, who was a CrossFitter, and he convinced me to join the box in my neighborhood. Initially, I was super intimidated; I’d never done serious weight training before and other than yoga, I’d not been very consistent in my exercise routine. After my first WOD, I remember having to walk home several blocks from the box, and by the time I got back, I could barely walk up the stoop and into my living room. After a couple of months, I was really starting to like it. Unfortunately, COVID hit soon thereafter and the box closed down. A couple of years and many unfulfilling home workouts later, my husband and I moved to Chadds Ford and I was ready to get back into a gym. Kathy encouraged me to join CFKSQ, and the rest is history!
What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CF (before/after)?
The changes have been amazing! My body feels the strongest and healthiest it’s ever been. And I have become so much more proficient in movements that I never thought I’d be able to do… i.e., rope climbs and pull-ups! More importantly (to me), CrossFit has positively impacted my mental health. That mental calmness I spoke about earlier, I get the same feeling after a good WOD. As someone who struggles with anxiety, it’s important for me to consistently engage in coping skills that help me regulate my nervous system. With all the endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin I get from a good WOD, I cope with anxiety much more effectively.
What sort of changes in your life have you experienced out of taking on something like CrossFit that were totally unexpected?
I knew getting into CrossFit would force me to get uncomfortable but I didn’t anticipate how personally transformative that would be. Before CrossFit, I was scared to try new things (especially athletically) because they were unfamiliar and I was afraid of being bad at them. With the help of the coaches, I’ve retrained my brain to be far less concerned about being “bad” at a particular movement or “failing” during a WOD. Rather, I permit myself to practice the movements I’m not proficient in and to try the more intimidating WODs, all while having fun and keeping a smile on my face.
Please share with us any favorite CrossFit / CFKSQ moments:
Nothing beats encouragement from a Coach. From Kevin challenging me to do my first SOGO last summer (so fun), to Everett and Kelly encouraging me to participate in my first Open this year. Or when I hit a PR on the barbell or that time I got my first toes to bar… I’ve had many proud moments over the last couple of years which I am very grateful for.
Any advice for people just getting started?
Show up for the WODs that include your least favorite movements or machines. It’s a good physical and mental challenge and an excellent way to desensitize yourself to the things you dislike/fear!
What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit?
Ceramics, yoga, hanging with my cat/husband/friends/fam, cooking and baking, thrifting/antiquing, and watching competition shows (Great British Bake Off, Survivor, and Drag Race, all day).
Psychotherapist / May 2022
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