Chris Gibson

Athlete of month -  September 2024


ABOUT Chris Gibson

Favorite WOD:  I love any ‘two movement’ AMRAP WOD that have one cardio and one strength portion. They are so much fun but challenging at the same time. I also really liked the ’12 Days of Christmas Barbell’

Least Favorite WOD: Anything with large sets of burpees or wall balls

Tell us about your sports & fitness background: I ran track in high school and mostly played racket sports throughout college (tennis, squash, racquetball). During graduate school, and the need to move back and forth across the country, the time for sports and fitness mostly disappeared except for the occasional pick-up flag football game or round of disc golf, and I was never able to establish a consistent exercise routine. Most recently though, in addition to CrossFit, my fitness mostly consists of hiking and biking with my wife and kids and doing some 5K fun runs with them once or twice a year.  

How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? Take us back to your first WOD... what was it, and how did it feel?  I first heard about CrossFit from a friend many years ago. He talked very fondly about it, so it always stuck in the back of my mind that it might be something I would want to try at some point. A couple of years ago I was looking to restart a consistent fitness routine and so I decided to join CFKSQ. I don’t remember my first WOD exactly, but I distinctly remember feeling completely drained and initially thinking that this was much more difficult than I expected. But then I looked around and saw that EVERYONE was feeling the same way, which was reassuring. Since then, it has been a pleasure pushing myself to complete the workouts and seeing improvements and setting PRs. 

What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CF (before/after)? I definitely feel better physically, and I can see improvements in my overall strength. The coaches have been amazing and have helped improve my form and technique though small refinements and pointers. That is one of the most special things about CrossFit and CFKSQ is the genuine desire of the coaches to help you improve and stay safe. So, although it’s not an obvious change that you can see, I think the biggest changes I have felt are with improved techniques. I still have a way to go (especially with the squat snatch) but it's fun knowing that your improving each time. 

What sort of changes in your life have you experienced out of taking on something like CrossFit that were totally unexpected? I have been self-employed for about five years and really enjoy the freedom and flexibility of working from home. But I didn’t realize until after starting CrossFit how much I missed the daily social interaction I got from going into the office every day. It was completely unexpected to find that social interaction at CrossFit. Not only do you get a chance to talk and bond with people that are in the same class every day but, even after a year, you meet new people who happened to be working out at a different time, or students home from college, or just a new conversation during a partner workout. 

Please share with us any favorite CrossFit / CFKSQ moments: 

There are lots of really great moments but definitely my first CrossFit Open and the Suns Out Guns Out stick out in my mind. The whole atmosphere of a group of people coming together to cheer each other on was really fun. 

Any advice for people just getting started? 

I think I hesitated for a long time to join because I was intimidated. Not only by the workouts but by doing a group workout with a bunch of other people. I felt like I just wouldn’t be able to keep up and would embarrass myself. But I’m glad I took that first step because it’s not like that at all. Everyone is super supportive, and all of the workouts have modifications that you can adjust to your needs and abilities. So, the advice would be to just take the first step and give it a chance. 

What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit?  

I love to travel with my wife and kids. Any time we can vacation to a new or unusual place is a privilege. We enjoy ‘active’ vacations that include hiking, biking, ATVs, rock climbing, fishing, etc. When I’m at home, I also enjoy restoring and rebuilding cars and trucks. 


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