What is your favorite CrossFit memory?
I don’t think it’s possible to pick a favorite single memory. There’s way too many great memories, both as a coach and an athlete. I’ve shared a lot of laughs, fist bumps, and high fives, and survived a ton of tough workouts with my CFKSQ family.
When you’re not in the gym, what do you like to do?
I enjoy traveling and doing anything outdoors. Anywhere that has a beach is definitely my happy place.
What is your favorite CrossFit movement or lift?
Any workout with pull ups, toes to bar, or deadlifts puts a smile on my face :)
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Definitely pizza, the wood fired burnt crispy crust kind :) It’s got all the food groups in there so it’s basically survival food, right?
Spill! Why are you a CrossFit coach?
Coaching a member and helping them get that first pullup/rope climb/double under etc is extremely rewarding. I really enjoy getting to know our members on a personal level and being part of the best hour of their day. CFKSQ isn’t just a gym, it’s a very unique community that quickly becomes a second family.
CrossFit Level 2 Trainer
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529 Rosedale Rd, Kennett Square, PA 19348, United States of America